74.1. It is prohibited to apply, for agricultural purposes, Class 3A pesticides or Class 1 to Class 3 pesticides containing atrazine, chlorpyrifos, clothianidin, imidacloprid or thiamethoxam unless an agronomic justification containing the following information has been obtained:(1) the number of the document;
(2) the name, address, telephone number and, where applicable, email address of the farmer who intends to apply the pesticide;
(3) where applicable, the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the parcel;
(4) the name, address of the professional domicile and, where applicable, email address of the mandated agrologist and the agrologist’s member number in the Ordre des agronomes du Québec;
(5) in the case of Class 1 to Class 3 pesticides, the crop to be treated;
(6) the identification of the parcel in which the work is to be performed;
(7) the identification of the phytosanitary problem;
(8) an evaluation of the phytosanitary problem;
(9) an analysis of the various possible phytosanitary interventions, including alternative pest control methods available;
(10) the treatment required;
(11) the reasons justifying the choice of the treatment;
(12) the name of the active ingredient involved in the treatment and(a) in the case of Class 1 to Class 3 pesticides, the names of the pesticides containing the active ingredient involved and the quantity required; and
(b) in the case of Class 3A pesticides, the quantity of seeds required and the plant species concerned;
(13) the expiry date of the justification;
(14) the signature of the agrologist and the date.